Friday, November 25, 2011

First and Last

Hey Hey. Two more papers to go.
Account and Economy~
I'm waiting for you!
After passing both of you to the invigilator... MERDEKA!
The most difficult paper has passed.
It was on 23 November.
Government had gifted me a present..
Additional Mathematics Paper 1 & 2.

That was the first time I celebrated my birthday at school.
This is because starts from kindergarten til Form 4,
I did not celebrate at school. [Holiday] =)
But, this year, 2011: A special year.
I celebrated my birthday in school for the very last time.

The day which was full of joy and happiness.
With the presence of 5 Baibai mates.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


The 5Bai BBF ^^
Except Vi Laine who are from Intan.
Known as 5 Baintan BBF.

Graduation gift :)
From Zickee and Pooi Yee!
Thanks babes